EZ Learn Math

Interested Tutors

  • Bachelors at a minimum
  • Previous experience teaching
  • Competency in 6th through 12th grade math; Trig and Calculus is a plus
  • Working knowledge of collaborative teaching (where involve the student in the learning process)--if not, a desire to learn and put into practice.
  • Patience and commitment to helping students learn
  • Comfort level working with computers
  • Willingness to:
    • Have a background search
    • Be evaluated by student and/or parent(s) after multiple sessions (to be determined)
    If interested, send the following information to info@ezlearnmath.com:
    • Resume
    • An explanation of your teaching style
    • Why you think you would be good as a math tutor
    • Times willing to work between 8 a.m. and midnight-- please specify time zone where you live
  • Willing to make initial investment of approximately $80 for Bamboo software for tablet and stylist.
Note: A Spanish speaking tutor would be a plus.